ESTA: frequently asked questions

Get all the answers about traveling to the USA visa-free: ESTA application, ESTA costs, rights, and obligations of ESTA travelers, and the most important „dos and don’ts” for traveling with ESTA.

ESTA (short for “Electronic System for Travel Authorization”) was established by the US government for visa-free travel to the United States. People from the 42 participating countries of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) can enter the United States with ESTA for up to 90 days for tourism or business trips.

After an ESTA application, you are subjected to an automatic identity check and will receive your ESTA approval within a very short time (maximum 72 hours).

The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) is the basis for visa-free travel to the USA with ESTA. Citizens of 42 Visa Waiver Program countries can apply for an electronic travel authorization and, therefore, travel to the USA more cheaply, quickly, and easily than travelers from other countries.

To be eligible for the VWP, countries must meet certain requirements, such as a high approval rate for visa applications and a low number of people entering the US illegally. The US government regularly reviews and updates the list of countries eligible for the VWP.

Currently, the following 42 countries are in the US government's Visa Waiver Program:

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei1, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary2, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan

1 The validity period of an ESTA authorization for travelers from Brunei has been reduced from two years to one year, effective July 6th, 2023.

2 The validity period of an ESTA authorization for Hungarian travelers has been shortened from two years to one year, effective August 1st, 2023. In addition, Hungarians are now only allowed to enter the US once per ESTA and also require a Hungarian birth certificate for the ESTA process.

If you plan to travel to the United States for tourism or business without a visa but are neither a US citizen nor a Green Card holder, you will need an ESTA authorization for your trip.

Travelers from countries that are not members of the Visa Waiver Program can also travel to the United States on a US visa. However, since an ESTA is much cheaper, quicker, and less complicated to obtain, the visa is only the second choice for most travelers to the USA.

You need an ESTA if you plan to enter the United States visa-free for tourism, business, medical treatment, or transit and will not stay longer than 90 days.

An ESTA is generally valid for 2 years unless your passport expires earlier or your ESTA authorization is revoked. Exceptions to the 2-year rule apply to travelers from Brunei and Hungary, whose ESTA authorization is only valid for one year.

It is important to note that the ESTA validity is no guarantee that you are allowed to enter the United States. The US border officials have the final say on your entry.

Basically, you only need one ESTA application every two years unless your passport expires before that or you applied for your ESTA with a passport from Brunei or Hungary. Also, if there are changes in your personal data (e.g., nationality or gender) and you are given a new passport, you must submit a new ESTA application.

If you are a US citizen or Green Card holder, you can travel to the US without an ESTA, and you also do not need a visa.

To apply for an ESTA, go to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website or sign up with a reputable ESTA agency. The application takes about 15 minutes.

Have your passport, email address, travel dates, contact details of your employer (if applicable), and your first place of residence in the US ready. After initial verification of your email address, you can complete your ESTA application. After a maximum of three days, you will receive your ESTA feedback by email.

For an ESTA application, you need a biometric passport (e-Passport) valid until the end of your trip to the USA.

However, depending on nationality, a longer validity may be necessary. Travelers from countries that are not members of the Six Month Club of the US government may only apply for an ESTA if their passports are still valid at least six months after the intended date of departure.

The requirements for entering the USA with ESTA are:

  • You are a citizen of a visa-waiver country.
  • You are in possession of a valid biometric passport.
  • You want to stay in the US for a maximum of 90 days.
  • You want to travel to the USA for tourism, business, medical treatment, or transit.
  • You pose no threat to the internal security of the United States.
  • You don't have a criminal record. You do not suffer from serious contagious diseases.
  • The officials of the US Border Protection Authority CBP consider you suitable to enter the USA with an ESTA.

In addition, you must not be in possession of a valid US visa or work permit for the USA. Travelers from Hungary must present a Hungarian birth certificate in addition to their biometric passport.

You can travel to the USA with a US visa instead of an ESTA. To do this, you must apply for a visa at the responsible US embassy or consulate and submit various documents.

The cost of an ESTA application is currently $ 21 for the simplest version on the US government website. If you want additional security checks, money-back guarantees, and consulting services, the ESTA costs increase. Book your ESTA only with reliable ESTA agencies, and do not pay ESTA fees higher than € 70.

You will usually receive an answer to your ESTA application within a few minutes. The maximum waiting time is 72 hours. In rare cases, it may take longer if additional security checks are carried out.

If your ESTA application is denied, you will be blocked from the ESTA program and need to apply for a US visa to enter the United States. A second ESTA application is only possible in rare cases after consultation with CBP or a successful appeal against the ESTA rejection using the DHS Travel Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP).

If your ESTA application is denied by the US government, only a $ 4 processing fee will be charged. With good ESTA agencies, you can add a money-back guarantee.

The ESTA fee is not charged per entry but once for the entire period of validity and any number of entries.

ESTA fees increased from $ 14 to $ 21 in 2022. The US Congress mandated this under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 (PL 116-94).

An ESTA authorization cannot be extended. However, you can submit a new application at any time, which will be processed within a very short time (maximum 72 hours).

An ESTA allows you to stay in the United States for tourism, business, medical treatment, or transit for up to 90 days at a time.

It is not allowed to work with ESTA. Also, if you plan to immigrate to the USA, you are not allowed to enter the country with an ESTA.

When entering the country with an ESTA, comply with the entry requirements for the USA and present your passport along with your printed ESTA approval to the border officials.

Be prepared for questions about your travel plans. When speaking to US Border Patrol agents, be truthful and brief. Do not let the suspicion arise that you want to work or live in the USA. Otherwise, you may be refused entry.